L’arte delle pietre

Graduation thesis / Feb. 2015

A documentary of the florence’ mosaic art.

The stone, in its many variations, colors and textures, is a material that is located anywhere in the world. Each area of ​​the land is characterized by different types of stone, every place or region of the globe has its stone features, unique and special.

But I was not the only one to be conquered by this passion, for example, from the sixteenth century, the Medici dynasty had high regard for this precious art form, so much so that in 1588 the Grand Duke Ferdinando I de 'Medici founded a court manufactory specializing in mosaics and inlays of semiprecious stones. It is from this institution Grand Ducal, remained active for over three centuries, which was born at the end of the nineteenth century, the Museum of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure.

My passion for photography and video footage they have then led to the choice of the subject of this project. The goal of this project is to present this beautiful Florentine manufacture in documentary form, to understand its tradition instill curiosity and passion to visit the museum and to better appreciate the beautiful pieces in this prestigious collection and unique collection.